Prayer is our most powerful weapon against evil!
Whether you're pregnant and having complications, your new baby has arrived early or you are scared about the world we are living in, there is power in praying to our caring Heavenly Father. Prayer is our way of communicating with Him and did you know that He leans down to hear each one! (Psalm 116:2)
Please send me your prayer request today! Maybe it is for your developing baby, for a safe delivery or for peace for yourself. Whatever you are facing, know that I read every request that comes in and that I will be praying for you and your baby.
(And if time allows, I will email you back!)
Also, please take a few moments and pray for the others who have left a prayer request below.
Thank you!
Many Blessings,
Jennifer Polimino
Prayer Wall
Will You Help Us Pray For The Needs Of Others
My husband and I are due to have our long awaited first baby in the next 2-4 weeks. We are planning a home birth however in pregnancy I have had occasions of raised blood pressure however nothing suggests anything abnormal with pregnancy/myself. Please pray I believe that I can have a normal birth at home and am claiming this and plan to use the supernatural childbirth technique to get me through. Our God is fighting for us always !!!
Please pray for my 9 days baby having open valve in heart .her PDA should be closed by gods grace and mercy in 10 days
please pray with me for a miracle,my last ultra sound indicated that my baby has no heartbeat at 25 weeks.
i have already lost 3 babies and i believe it is the will of God for this child to live.
Hi I have 5 miscarriages in the past no birth yet. But now I'm pregnant now like 4 weeks I really want this pregnancy carry to full term. Praying for me to let this pregnant to carry to full term and negative fault and worry. I want this baby to be healthy too. Thanks
I pray for the health and well-being of my sister in-law, brother, and their soon to be miracle on the way. I pray that there are no complications, and you take away all negative thoughts and worries over these two, and their baby during this most joyous time. I pray the baby pulls through, and we get to meet the sweet miracle.
In your heavenly name I pray.
Please pray for us. Me and my husband have been trying for a baby for more than 3 yrs now.. I fell pregnant naturally 2 years ago but miscarried at 9 weeks..since then we have tried naturally and four failed IVF cycles...I am depressed and lost and do not know what to do or how to go forward... Please pray for me and husband to have a baby soon.
Please pray for a 4 year old girl who is in ICU on ventilator.
Good morning. God has answered our prayer and prophecy and blessed my wife and I in the 5th year of our marriage. We are trusting God in all things. We know He(God) is more than able to do abundantly above we could ask for. Thanks for your prayer. We trust and love our God and love our unborn precious Joy. Dr and Mrs. G. We send prayers for all those expecting and hope to expect. Our God is so faithful
Please pray for my unborn child that the God lord will give my child sound health, a life of no sickness. God the healer heal my child and let the child position be head down. In Jesus name amen
I am so scared and sad. I’m trying to pray and trust God, but it’s hard. I had a miscarriage at about five weeks. I got pregnant again. Today I went in for an ultrasound. I am 7 weeks and 6 days pregnant. The doctor couldn’t find a heart beat at 7 weeks and 4 days. Please pray my baby is safe. I know God has a plan for me. Please pray that I trust in that. I pray the pregnancy works out.
Father God I pray that you will bless my unborn child that my spouse will come to love our baby, soften his heart Lord forgive him for his ways.May the stresses of this world not overcome this joyful journey ahead of Us may you restore our family lead us and guide us always any attacks that await us Father God I ask that you equip us that we may stand firm in you
Hey. God plz give me a child
Please pray for my baby in the womb. My baby has no heartbeat according to my ob. Hoping for a miracle! Please please pray with us.
Please pray for me. I have been trying to conceive for 2 months with no luck.i have been married since 1.5 yrs I’ve been praying on and off but I feel I need help from others. Whatever may be the obstacle to have a child, please Lord take it away from us right away, with the power of Your precious blood and Your precious name. Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus, we thank You, we praise You and we glorify You. Your devotee
Please pray for me. I have been trying to conceive for 2 months with no luck.i have been married since 1.5 yrs I’ve been praying on and off but I feel I need help from others. Whatever may be the obstacle to have a child, please Lord take it away from us right away, with the power of Your precious blood and Your precious name. Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus, we thank You, we praise You and we glorify You. Your devotee
I am heading into my 37 th week of pregnancy and I would like you to please pray for me to have a regular safe delivery with God's presence and His Holy Spirit in the delivery room. I would like to have the same experience you talked about in the book (I am currently reading it).
I thank you do kindly and may God continue to bless you as you touch oother women like you did me.
Please pray for my lovely cousins early born twins. They are 37weeks today but caught a bad virus (MRSA) in hospital which is resistant to most antibiotics and is very dangerous for newborns. My Cousin (mother of 5 wonderful children) is the kindest and most caring person I know on this planet. She deserves to be happy. Please pray for those beautiful little souls! Thank you!
Please pray for my daughter and her unborn baby. She is only 5 months and was diagnosed with preterm labor and complications. They detected a cysts in the baby and other possible neurological complications that he can be born with. Please pray that God blesses and heals my grandbaby. Pleas pray so that she will have a healthy baby and the cysts and complications go away. They need all the prayers they can get. Thank you and many blessings to you.
After many years of trying to conceive and being told me and my partner would need ivf due to fertillity problems I naturally conceived. This was amazing and a true gift from God. We found out God had blessed us with two babies and we are going to have twins. During a scan one baby had an enlarged bladder due to blockage the prognosis could mean the baby could have underdeveloped lungs & damaged kidneys and wouldnt survive. I am due for a detailed scan today. Please pray for healing my baby.
Please pray for my baby girl who is due on August 31. After going in for my anatomy scan and gender reveal, they said that they couldn't find something in her brain they were looking for. I had to go in for a follow-up ultrasound and they still couldn't find it. Soon, I'll be going into the perinatology office for another ultrasound with a specialist. If they can't find this second area of the brain they're looking for, that could mean she will have seizures and/or learning problems after birth.
I beg u to pray for my unborn baby.. Doctors say he has Heart malformation and brain cysts and they are worried he might have some other malformations or retardation.. It's killing me.. I don't know what to do.. It's too much for me.. I'm due in 2 weeks
Please pray for my baby. I had ano ultrasound this week at 7.5 weeks and there was no heartbeat detected. The doc ordered d&c. I m waiting for miracle. I have another scan next week . I m 41 and this is my last chance.I don't have children.
God opened the fruit of my womb just in time. I was suppose to get surgery to conceive but god had a better plan. I am 5 weeks 4 days. Please pray that this precious baby. Is healthy & will be safe for 9 months godbless you & thank you kindly for your prayers.
I am pregnant of my 2nd baby now. My first baby is a girl and I'm hoping and praying for a baby boy. It's my ultrasound on Tuesday so I'm wishing that it's a baby boy. Please help me to pray. Please lord grant me a baby boy.
please pray for my husband and i we are expecting a baby i am 13 week 2 days and yesterday i was told some news that my baby heart was undetected it was just there and im trusting god to restore it i go back Tuesday to look again im faithful for a miracle report i have mountain moving faith please pray that our baby makes this babay is a blessing i wasn't ever suppose to bare children ever again please intercede on our behalf thank you the johnson and clements family
Please help in pray for my little girl to get good health
We are expecting a baby girl in August and are very nervous. Your book has been very helpful to us. Your book teaches us how to pray and what to pray and makes time flies more quickly. We hope you can pray for the health and joy of our baby girl. Thanks very much for your prayer and the wonderful book.
Lord my Father I thank you that I am pregnant and expecting a miracle baby, thank you that you have blessed me with another bundle of Joy.I pray in Jesus name for a baby girl. Thank you Jesus. I worship you!!!
please pray for me my boyfriend doesn't want me anymore because am pregnant now, he talks painful words only. Please help me to pass this test and overcome this challenge.
I have been trying to conceive my second born after a miscarriage in September 2014. Please pray for me for God to bless my womb so that i am a mother again...Thank You
Pls help us pray for our child to survive she is going through alot of stress and as a woman of God we pray for our child through survive she's in her stage of early pregnancy 4weeks doctor says our baby might grow slow or in process of miscarriage it's a blessing for me to have my first child and a blessing for to bare another one. We're fighting and praying for the best and I'm fighting to win her back literally. I have sinned many times before and with this blessing were hoping for survival.
Please I need you all to pray along with me. I'm 5months + pregnant and i've been feeling very sick since conception till now. Right now I'm having a sever body pain, back pain and sometimes abdominal pain, feeling feverish all the time and no one to care for me.. I'm so in agony. I want you all to pray for me and my unborn baby. I don't want anything to happen to us and my the grace of God I sure believe nothing would happen to us. I need a beautiful and a very healthy baby. Please pray for us.
Please intercede for me. I'm 4months pregnant and have been sick since conception. My prayer is to bond with my baby and to enjoy this pregnancy but its really challenging as I'm sick all the time. I praise God for this miracle and trust that all is well. Amen.
Dear heavely father I knee down before you seeking help on behalf of my unborn baby I went to a doctor last yersteday her he told me that my has a heart failer he can survive and he cannot please heavenly father be with her/him in what ever situation he's having I know and bealive that with you thers nothing impossible I can't bear to losse my 1st born please almighty make her strong in jesus name amen
Please pray for our baby Miguel. Please heal him...
I am requesting prayer for my first pregnancy, I have been stressing over everything possible finances and the baby everything because I've never experienced pregnancy so I don't know what to expect I've been impatient and just scared really. I'm just praying for a healthy pregnancy that God blesses me with a beautiful healthy baby and that I can provide the best life to he or she or them because everyone seems to think its twins. I just really need prayer all around.
Some of you have been in prayer with me, praying that my ultrasound follow up would be ok, to my confirmed missed miscarriage. I started bleeding (spotting midweek, bleeding from Thurs/Fri). Please pray that all will pass naturally and I will not need D&C. Pray that my doctor won't jump to D&C which I feel he might want to do even if all is out. I need this to be cleared out without infection before Wed when I see the doc. I really dont want a D&C. Please God answer this prayer. Am heartbroken
Please pray for my baby girl Corah to get rest this morning, and sleep well regardless of her reflux. Please pray that her reflux disappears. As she's sleeping now, please let her be able rest for a few more hours as her body needs it and so does mama.
I am a 64 yrs old grandmother asking for prayers for my 6months old grandson Francis Xavier . He is having trouble sleeping because of coughing & flu. P lease pray that he will be healed & recover from this viral infection and that he will have a good rest everytime he goes to sleep.
Please pray for my baby Corah.. She's having trouble sleeping because of reflux. Please pray that the reflux is healed and that she sleeps soundly right now and every time without discomfort.
Please pray for my 7 1/2 week growing baby inside me to be healthy & have a strong heartbeat. Friday the hospital saw our baby's heartbeat at 6 w 6 d. When we went to the specialist's office Monday he said there is no heartbeat & I need a D & C. He said he will not do another ultrasound. God told me our baby will be born healthy. I do not believe our baby is not alive. I trust God & know his word is true. I scheduled a ultrasound with my OB. Please pray for my baby & give strength to show heartB
I recently miscarried last August and I'm currently pregnant again this time further along from the last. I'm so close to my 2nd trimester and I'm currently diagnosed with high blood pressure. I kindly ask that you keep me and my baby in your prayers. That I will have a healthy pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby this winter. And that our lord guide me through it all. This has been an emotional time of waiting. Thank you!
Please pray that God blesses my husband and I with a healthy baby boy as our third child. This is our final attempt to complete our beautiful family and carry on my husbands name. Thank You
6I had a missed miscarriage on January 2016. Again fall in pregnant on April 2016. I had an ultrasound yesterday and there is Gestational Sac in an Uterus but no yolk Sac and fetal pole. I am at 7 weeks 1 day but in an ultrasound they measured the Sac is only 6 weeks. And i will have another scan by next. So please pray for me to listen my rainbow babies heart beat.
Had a miscarriage in December 2015? I want a daughter
Please pray for baby Corah's sleep
And reflux to get better. Please let her fall back to sleep easily today and every day from now on without any problems. Please let her get lots more rest and be a happier baby.
Please pray for me to have a safe pregnancy. Two time I had miscarriages. I missed my period this month but, suddenly I had bleeding. Im so scard and words to say....
I am the grandmother and asking prayer for an at risk unborn baby...cervix has opened at 21 weeks and things are not looking very well... Please pray for a healthy delivery
Prayers for Trystan. He is constipated and has really bad acid reflux. Pray that the Lord will heal him, and that he will grow to be a man of God. Also, pray that I will be able to guide him as a mom to follow the Lord.
Pls pray for me and my baby. Im bleeding right now. Pls pray to God that He will save our baby. Im 8 weeks pregnant. Thankyou
I want the lord to heal my 2yrs old daugher and also am preganant and i hv bn praying to God for a male child so d last time i did scan it shown female i still blive God will do it pls pray for me a male child my EDD is july pls i nd a miracle baby n also want deliver dis baby in a normal delivery not cs in jesus name cos i blv in prayers.
I am 5 weeks pregnant and showing signs of miscarriage. I began spotting on Saturday and today is Monday and still spotting. I have had two miscarriages before this pregnancy. I pray daily that God will allow this unborn child in my womb to be born and healthy. My husband and I have been trying for years to have a baby. I know this is my blessing from God and will not allow any demon to steal my joy. please pray for me, my husband jose and our unborn child. thank you!
Pls pray for me there has been a disconnect between me and God and i want to reconnect.Also for my unborn baby that God will fill him/her with his spirit and presence,wisdom and strength and that he/she will fulfil their destiny on earth. Thanks.
Please pray that our baby Corah sleeps through the night well tonight and continues to be a better sleeper and be a happier, healthier baby
I'm 6 weeks 5 days pregnant with a much wanted and prayed for baby. At my first ultrasound 4 days ago the baby couldn't be found, doctor said it was either slow developing and will be seen at the next scan or it may have died. Prayers for protection for the baby, me and my husband and for a strong and healthy baby and easy pregnancy and labour will be appreciated. This means ever hung to us. We have not been able to try for babies for years because my health previously was so bad. We love this baby.
I have been praying to God to give us a baby boy and today went for a scan at 19 weeks and was told its a baby girl. Am quite scared of what my husband will think coz I already have 3 girls. The pregnancy hasn't been easy but this far God has brought me until today when I got this news. I know God is the creator of life, pls help me pray coz am already sad and I dont want to hurt God that am not being appreciative.
Pray for baby for H and G. They will be wonderful parents.
Our prayer request was: Ultrasound on Saturday and Wednesday show the baby is 6 weeks 2 days. Well, HCG levels and a scan today have confirmed our loss. I thank the 14 (or more) people who prayed for us. May God bless you. Continue with us in prayers to mourn this loss but with the knowledge that all perfect gifts come from God and that He will not test us beyond our strengths and will provide a way. Glory to God. We are grateful for the 6+ weeks of pure joy we experienced. Praise the Lord. Amen
Thank you God for the all the blessings! I want to ask forgiveness for all my sins. I have faith that through this prayer, I will conceive a healthy baby soon. God I know You have plans, why our first baby died. Even we dont know your reasons, I believed that its better than what we want. You have Your own plans and I have faith that You already know what comes next. Thank you and I hope that you will grant my request in you own perfect time.
Dear might lord, thank you for given me beautiful life into my life. Please help baby grow the normal weight of my twins and will not have early labour. please help my twins to have mature organ and healthy upon delivery.Amy
Dear God, you already gave me a beautiful baby girl. Now I am Pregnant again and I request you to give me a healthy and beautiful baby boy. I believe that my prayer will be answered by you with your grace.
Hi Lord, I am Raman Kumar from India. I want to share my inner feelings with you lord. I love Mexican woman. She lives in Mexico. Her name is Karime Alexandra Beccera Mendez. She lives in my heart. I want to marry her. I want to make her happiest woman in the world. I want to remove sadness from her life. I give you everything that she expect from my side. I support her in every situation. I accept her forever. I love you my soulmate Karime. I am yours and you are mine.Lord, Lord please provide
Please pray for my baby. I am going for my scan today and please pray for my baby that she has turned to head-down position and that she has been completely healed of talipes. 37 weeks. Thank you Jesus, by your stripes, she is healed and completely set free. Please pray with me to have a safe and natural delivery.
I went for my ultrasound and i was told that i was pregnant but there was no baby ... I went to the ER and they said that my hcg went down and that there was no hearbeat they sent me to a doctor who told me to wait another month .... This baby is my first and i dont want to lose him/her i pray that my next appointment everything goes well ... Please pray for us
Enaku marriage agi six month aguthu enaku kulandhai pakkiyam vendum .enaku prayer pannuga pls.
Together with my girlfriend, we are expecting a baby boy.. help us pray for him, we ask the lord to protect him from all evil, may the lord direct all is his ways..may he grow up to be a useful member of society. may the lord guide him, and direct him all the days of his life..may the lord grant us wisdom, courage and strength to carry out our parental roles to full potential..may he grow up to be a very happy and caring person. may the lord keep him in the palm of his hands all his day in life.
4 month pregnant.please pray for my baby. Everything is fine as of now by gods grace. My cute baby a gift from god is my life. Please pray my baby. It should be born cute strong healthy.
Ultrasound on Saturday and Wednesday show the baby is 6 weeks 2 days. No change between the two dates and no heartbeat. Please pray for our baby. Its our first. We are already 38 & 39. Pray that if it is God's will, we should hear a heartbeat and see progress at our next scan on 19th and proceed to a smooth pregnancy. If God's will is that this ends, may it be smooth as possible. May God grant us strength through it all and increase our love for Him and each other. May it all be to God's glory
After years of infertility and 1 miscarriage, I have conceived, at 22 weeks docs say there see some abnormalities with the fetus, but are not sure. Please pray for complete healing for my child. I'm due in September
Dear Father
Please bless my husband and I with a baby. I love you so much and I know you know what's best for us. Amen
Please pray for me.i got married before an year.I am suffering with fertility prob.child alone can save my life. Pls pray for me to get a healthy child
Please pray for a heathy baby for Hayley.
Please pray for me. I have been a single mother for 8.5 years.I raised my son who was born with health problems on my own.I started dating a guy who I thought was a very nice guy recently.I found out 3 weeks ago that I am pregnant with his baby and he wants nothing to do with me.I don't believe in abortion,but I just don't have the strength to raise a baby alone again.Ive been thinking about adoption,but I'm scared to be pregnant and alone again and I'm scared of having another unhealthy child.
Pray. For my baby I'm 6 weeks waited 13 years to be blessed with this gifts praying for Health n safe delivery amen amen amen
Please pray for my baby 29 weeks dont feel lot of movement but doctor found heart Beat and is not worried please Pray out baby Boy safe and healthy in Jesus name i Pray go backups to doctor on May 20 and please forgive me of my sins
Please pray for me 5 months pregnent lot of complications please keep me in your prayers many thanks
Please pray that I am pregnant. I pray for a healthy baby and healthy pregnancy. I pray to be healed in my body of all sickness and disease. Please Jesus let me be pregnant. I have been trying for a baby let this time be successful in the name of Jesus. Please prayer warriors pray I'm pregnant, thank you.
Please pray for both my unborn child and I. The father of my child is forcing me to get rid of the child or risk becoming a single parent with very little support on his end. Pray that the devil releases him and his heart so that he understands that this child is a blessing from God not a burden. Im praying everyday and night as well. We would greatly appreciate all prayers. Thank you and be blessed!
We are ttc after a February loss. I am feeling so desperate to get pregnant again and I just want it to work this month. Please pray that I will fall pregnant, but if not, that I will handle things with grace.
Please continue praying for Hayley's baby. All is going well but prayers are very important to us.
please pray for me to get a health baby Im 16weeks pregnant I have been diagnosed HIV positive when I was 9weeks pregnant please pray for me and my unborn kid I believe that God will give me strength to move on and give me a healthy baby!
tnx in advance
Hello I'm laci I'm 9wks pregnant and am spotting can i have some prayers to ease my mind and to stop the spotting and to protect my baby
my 4 year old son is failure to thrive child.his size and weight is of a 2 year old. he has recurring episodes of vomiting and has problem digesting his food. Lately he started having shivers and chills without any fever. he feels cold even in hot temperature.
Hey Jesus please please bless me with a healthy pregnancy. I don't want to miscarry. Please please you are the on who can stop my miscarriage and can bless me with a beautiful, healthy baby. Please I pray you. I just hope your are listening my prayer.
Please Jesus
Please pray for my 2 month old son who had a fall the other night. I have been so exhausted that I fell asleep while feeding him and he fell off my lap and onto the rug. I want the absolute best for him: I want him to be healthy and grow to be an extraordinary, empathetic, intelligent, and happy boy with no consequences of this fall. I pray that God will watch over him and protect him from my mistakes.
Thank you GOD!! Please give my daughter and my husband whatever they want in their life.
My baby high risk downsyndrome. I have 6 month pregnancy. Plz for my baby. Thank you
I'm 27 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. My husband has been supportive. I'm currently looking for a better job. My job has me lifting and mailing packages. I don't want to complain. My current job is very stressful. Please pray that my interview does go well next Thursday. I went on a few interviews but I haven't receive any job offer yet. Today I'm thankful for God providing opportunities for me to go to the interview. Please keep me lifted in pray with my confidence on the way I look. Thanks
I believe in miracles, I av had my ultrascan that says a girl and am still very hopeful its boy am carrying, I read thru many prayer request n testimony of God's mighty power to grant us our heart desires.pls join ur faith with mine for God to grant me a healthy, awesome, Godly, happy baby boy(a heir to my husband).with God all things are possible, I will b due this month of may 2016,and join me pray for safe delivery like the Hebrew women.thank you Jesus.I must testify here by end of this month
Please for me to get pregnant and to get a healthy baby
Dear brother and sister of thee almighty family I would like to share the happy moment of my life that i am going to be a father for beautiful kid which as been already blessed by the lord jesus.... I here request every one of you to pray for the beautiful kid in womb with good health, good nature to serve people being the christ's kid all the time....
And pray for the baby's intelligence, cuteness and to have responsible life as a blessing by the lord with all joy and all good health and wealth
Please pray for a healthy baby! I lost my first pregnancy to an ectopic and am 5 weeks 4 days now but terrified of miscarriage. Doctor says everything looks good but still struggling to have faith that this one will be my baby!
Please pray for me all Christian warrior's for me not be have become pregnant. God knows I am not ready for another baby as I have 2 already. I took plan b a day before expected ovulation but was unprotected a week later which I regret doing. I want to get my tubes tied with God's will. I know there is power in prayer I hope God grants me the miracle for me not to have become pregnant. God please help me!! Show me you have not forsaken me and grant me not to be in Jesus Name Amen!!
God I need help:( I'm 13 weeks preghant but today I don't feel preghant? I hope it's normal and most importantly I hope my baby is okay. I worry a lot and I would appreciate if you can have a lil angel of yours to look over my baby through out my preghancy please god. my doctor appointment is not until May 11 and I'm just worried and scared. Give me strength to have patience and be stress free until my appointment. Until I know my baby is fine and healthy. Amen
Please pray that Hayley gets pregnant easily and that her baby is healthy! In Jesus name I pray!
Hi ladies, please pray for me. I've had 3 unsuccessful pregnancies. Lost our 1st due to missing kidneys at 21 weeks. 2&3 due to chromosomal issue in first trimester. Now I'm 16 weeks pregnant with my 4th. Had a scan last week and dr is concern another renal problem as kidneys and bladder were not seen. A rescan is scheduled for next week. Please pray for me that we can see all the healthy renal organs and fluid level is normal. I believe God can do miracle through prayers!! Thank you so much.
Please pray for me. I am so sad all the time. I feel so alone and just don't know what to do!I am 6 months pregnant.but the father of the child is distanced from me all casue him and I didn't date but made a baby on one shot. He show he cares but confused. I really need the touch of the lord to change his mind. That him. Me and the baby wil be a family. Evn after we do blood tests due to many rumors by friends. I pray the enemy be defeated in jeusus name
I have lost my 1st child and now I am 5 months pregnant with my 2nd child. But this time my child has been detected with heart problem. I dont want to lose this child. I am already 36 years. Please pray for a miracle to save my child this time so that everything gets healed within my womb and that I deliver a normal child this time.
I am expected to deliver my baby 2 weeks in advance - sometime between 4th May and 9th May through inducement. Please pray that all will go smoothly well for myself and baby, that she will also be born perfect, healthy, beautiful, filled with joy, love and peace from Jesus. Please also pray that I will experience Jesus throughout the delivery & labour process and that this experience will draw me closer to Him.Thank you so much !
I am 8month pregnant. Praying for a healthy baby boy. Ultrasound reports are not clear. Having a boy is my deadly desire. I am waiting for a miracle and also praying very much. Please pray for me.
Please pray for my wife who ia in her fifth month of pregnancy.doctors have said that the baby is not growing well in the womb please keep them in your prayer many thanks
Hi Jenny, I am going for my scan today and please pray for my baby that she has turned to head-down position and that she has been completely healed of talipes. 34 weeks. Thank you Jesus, by your stripes, she is healed and completely set free. This is my first baby and as i approach delivery, please pray with me against the devils attacks, for safe and natural delivery. Thank you Jesus for covering us with your holy and precious blood. Please pray with me.
I would like like to pray for my newborn daughter. She is so precious, beautiful and healthy. Thank you God for blessing me with the opportunity to be a mother and experience this kind of love. I would like to pray for her that you keep her safe. Don't allow other people's jealousy and superstitions affect her. Let her grow confident, happy and with lots of love to give. Allow me to see her grow, give me strength, health and patience. Thank you for my husband and our family. In Jesus name I pray
First I would like to pray for my son Jayden who is 8 God's hedge of protection, faithfullness, health, education, obey parents, tell the truth, love his brother, remove anger. My oldest son, tp seek God more hedge of protection, succeed in college.
My husband and I are trying to concieve since 2014 with no success. I have two blessed boys from a previous relationship but my husband has no children. I am believing by Faith to concieve this year. Please pray for my husband's male system.
I would like a prayer for my daughter gabby and granddaughter arbury she going to a battle with cps the worker so hard with her so very disrespectful arbury the baby was taking from my daughter its been a year. Now the caregiver is trying to fight custody i just feel like they not giving my daughter chance to become a mother to her daughter can you please prayer for my and granddaughter to reunite as a family the cps worker a change of heart caregiver have a change of heart please prayed
i am 33 yrs old but do not habve child, jesus please everybody pray for me i have no child as written in bible elisha word become true ,god show miracle in my life that i get preganant soon please jesus give me a baby please bless me please ameen
I'm pregnant with my 2nd boy and have fallen into a deep depression because it's a boy. I prayed for a baby girl and felt God let me down. I break down and cry everyday and when my first son, an extremely difficult child, acts up, I always think about how I don't want this 2nd boy at all. I pray that the ultrasound was wrong and this in fact is the girl I've been longing for and that God will consider and not ignore the desire in my heart for a girl.
Dear Lord i want to have twins baby boy and baby girl this year please grant my prayer request in Jesus Name Amen.
Please pray for my unborn baby. I lost my baby last year due to miscarriage. I am now pregnant again and I recently started spotting. I am worried that I am having another miscarriage. Please pray that my pregnancy is viable and healthy. Thanks so much.
Hello! i would like to request for prayers for a healthy pregnancy and birth of my baby girl. i am currently 26 weeks. This is my first baby and i really love my baby so much even when she is not yet born. i pray that i will deliver at FULL Term with NO complications, please pray for the Lord to bless the hands of my doctors and nurses so that i will have a beautiful baby girl and i will have a quick recovery from my csection so that i can care for my baby the best way possible.
Please pray for me. I am going for double marker test tomorrow and the other next week nt scan.please pray that everything should be fine and my baby should be healthy. Lord Jesus help me and bless my baby.
I am 30 weeks pregnant with my first baby whom my hubby and i struggled to i approach delivery, please pray with me against the devils attacks, for safe and natural delivery. i know he's not happy that am having this baby, so i need to cover my self with the blood. Please pray with me.
Hi Jennifer, I have been so encouraged by your book. I'm now 36 weeks and I have been really fearful of the delivery day. This is my first baby and I found myself crying many times due to the uncertainty of what may happen to me or baby. Pls pray for God's peace, joy and freedom to surround me as I learn to trust that He will protect me and baby with minimal pain and with no complications during the D day. Thank you so much!
I am a firm believer in the power of prayer & agreement. My husband and I are expecting our first Child November 30th of this year. I am currently 8 weeks. I am just asking for agreement on a healthy & whole full term pregnancy with no complications. Derek & I have declared the blood of Jesus over our Child & declaring that our baby is protected. Thank all of you in advance for your praying hearts! Prayer knows no distance. God Bless & peace be with you.
Ive read your book and it helps me through my pregnancy to fight against sorrows and fears.
Now Im awaiting my baby this thursday but till now nothing happen.Pls pray for a natural birth without complications and for strenght for me.Im very exited and have no patience and iam a little worried.pls pray for freedom .
Thank you so much.
Be blessed.
I am currently 13 weeks pregnant and diagnosed with a sub chronic hemorrhage. Doctors say that I have a very high risk of loosing this baby. I pray all day that for a miracle that will save my baby. Please pray for my baby. God is the only hope I have.
Hello, Please pray for my unborn baby boy who I was told today has a heart murmur.Pray that God heals my son and his murmur goes away in Jesus name. Thanks
I am 6 months along and have really been struggling with depression and anxiety. It has gotten worse over the past month. I really do not want to go on medication, but I also really do not want to feel this way anymore. I love my baby but because of the anxiety and depression I am not looking very forward to having him(the process) and once he is here, I am afraid that the anxiety and depression will get worse because I am afraid that I will be more stressed.
As I hit 37 weeks, I am waiting for God to show me His will regarding the delivery method of my little girl Johannah. I had a c-section for my first delivery due to my twin boys being breech. Now I have the option of having a vbac but don't know what to do. A c-section is scheduled but I'm not confident that is what God wants me to do. Also prayers for a safe delivery and healthy baby and mommy.
Please pray for me I am not getting pregnant.
Pray that i get pregnant.
I am 33 weeks pregnant and doctors have diagnosed that my baby has a clubfoot and is currently in breech position. Please pray for my baby for the clubfoot to be healed and for the baby to turn head down by 34 weeks. Thank you Jesus, by your stripes, she is healed and completely set free. Who the son has set free, is free indeed.
I am 25 weeks pregnant. I would love for you to keep my baby and me in your prayers.
I have a scan tomorrow as the doctor wants to monitor my baby's heart as they are worried it might be over worked. I know God's hand is on my child and He is knitting his/her inmost parts in my womb. As I rest and stand on His promises, it would be awesome to have your prayer support.
Please pray tht my unborn son does not have cleft lip and it was just a bad picture.. please I'm only 15 and having a child.. I need him to be okay without cleft lip.. I pray from the bottom of my heart that God heals his lil lip before Wednesday when they 100% find out whatsooner wrong.. I love you son
Just found out im 4 weeks pregnant . Please can u join me in prayers that i have a full term healthy pregnancy and baby . Thank you
I believe so much in miracle and that there is nothing God cannot do. Since the day my Doctor told me am having a boy there something telling me no, cos i want a baby girl i already had a boy. Pls join faith with me in prayer that God should suprise me with a bouncing baby girl in Jesus name. Amen. I believe in miracle. Halleluyah
Hello friends, i just recently got helped by this man i saw his testimony here last weekend Dr ekaka i am so happy to share this with the other members here that i just got my family back and we are all happy after two days of contacting this man. i will also share his whatsapp +447597423935 with you all though i got is from someone in this site. thanks Rosina
Dear God Jesus i heard that prayer makes & shows many solutions to problems. As regard i too want to pray for my son's health due to motions my son became weak it makes me very nervers. Plz god make my son healthy and happy... else it i dnt want any thing. Please jesus show sloution abt my dis problem and make my faith true on u... I am requesting u with wet eyes i need ur graces on my son's health lord plz help me,help my son..
I pray to be pregnant! I pray that when I go to the emergency room on Monday 4/18/16 they tell me the pain I've been having is from being pregnant. 3 weeks pregnant.
And I pray that my dad sings the papers so me and my boyfriend could get pregnant. I pray that God keeps me my boyfriend and my child and my family in his hands and keep us from all evil , car wrecks , and guns . And keep our baby healthy and keep our relationship strong . In Jesus name I pray amen !
I pray to be pregnant. I pray that when I go to the doctors on 4/18/16 they tell me that the pain I've been having is from being pregnant . They gonna tell me that I'm 3 weeks pregnant. And I pray that I have a baby boy . It's been hard for me to get pregnant and now since I have been praying i think it has worked . And I pray to the lord that he protects my family and keeps us safe . In Jesus name I pray amen
Hi. I'm 6 weeks pregnant and i'm 38 years old. I need prayer for a healthy and full term pregnancy and a healthy baby. In Jesus's name. Amen
Please pray for me, I can't do this alone.
Trusting God with all of my faith for a baby boy. Currently 32 weeks along but I trust in God's report and not in the report of any man/ ultrasound. Please join your faith with mine as I trust God for a male child in this pregnancy. I will be eternally grateful and will dedicate him to the Lord God Almighty. I trust you Lord Jesus #mymiracleworker . Cant wait to share my testimony in Jesus' name I pray. Amen
Please pray for my son start working, finding job with Lord guidance and wisdom, stop playing video games and concentrate on his career.
Please help my other son who is going through lawsuit at work, they will come to happy settlement and be done, it's taking toll on the families
Help me with my business do well, I am struggling, don't know what to do, I am hurting inside, with worry, stress, failure, I am 65 years and cannot take this pressure, please help me with these 3 requests.
I pray for a healthybaby boy, the ulyrasound has revealed agirl but I already hav 2daughters and I truly pray for.a son please pray for me
Please pray that my husband will quite cheating we have are first baby on the way and he didn't start doing it until I got pregnant I want everything to work out for the baby try to for give and forget like God does ask these things in Jesus name I pray
Please pray for me I have been spotting/bleeding for 3 days know I want to leave this in the hands of God there is nothing I can do. I Trust in the Lord to do what's best. My wish is to stop bleeding and have a healthy pregancy with the help of the Lord Amen.
Please pray with and for me that my unborn child is a healthy beautiful baby girl. I've had 3 boys and 2 miscarriages. I've been praying for my miracle for a while and I truly feel as though it finally is coming to past. I know that if two or 3 come together touching and agreeing wonderful things happen in Jesus name thank you and God bless everyone that prays for us. Amen
I had a missed miscarriage last year and the lord has blessed me once again to where I'm 14 weeks pregnant with my sweet baby girl. I'm also always anxious before every doctor's appointment.
Please pray with me that the lord protects my womb and baby girl, so that the rest of my pregnancy progresses without any complications and she comes into this world healthy and happy. I thank you all so much. Amen.
Dear Father of our Lord Jesus Christ please i beseech you let my unborn baby be a man child and i will give him to you all the days of his life. I need a son and it is more than a desire but a fundamental need as i need a males love. Also i have been treated as inferior in comparison to other women all my life. Thankyou for my 3 year old daughter whom i love dearly and i will love her as equally to a son and never show any favouritism to either child. Thankyou Father in Jesus name Amen
I'm 14 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. I am just looking for a prayer request to continue my pregnancy healthy and without worry. I am constantly worried before every doctors appointment and am just looking for prayers to be sent up in Violet's name. Thank you!
I'm 4 weeks having a threatened miscarriage, this baby is all I dreamed about for years, please pray the bleeding stops and my pregnancy continues, my husband is deploying soon and I'm not sure I can handle the heartbreak alone.
I request a prayer as i am pregnant of 7.5 weeks but no yolk or fetal pole and diaognised with subchronicle haemorrage and hcg levels are low too. Last year i had a miscarriage and this time i pray to lord to please help me survive a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby
Please pray for me to conceive a baby.
I am pregnant for 9 weeksMy result yesterday for my tvs was my baby was no heartbeat.But I'm trying to let that God gave us miracle to do his job.Pls for me for my baby to have heartbeat as soon as possible..Thanks and God Bless us.
I pray lord bless me with a healthy baby girl they say its a boy i prayed for a boy my 1st pregnancy to give my mom that love and healing she needed and he granted my prayer thank you again lord, i pray for a baby girl to now do the same for my husbands parents and for myself to share moments i didnt have with my parents, and in honor of my mother to name her after to her to give her the love of how proud i am to be her daughter my mother means all to me i hope this has us grow closer together.
Please pray for me that when I get pregnant, I will have a healthy baby boy, I lost a baby boy to stillbirth at 40 weeks
I've been married almost two months my husband and I have been together almost two years. He has a daughter from a previous relationship that he adopted. I know and just want God to bless us with a healthy son , this same year 2016, in Jesus name.
I am 7 weeks pregnant, doctor told that my baby has very low heart beat. They have told that my Beta HCG has to increase in 2 days. Please pray that this is my precious child and i need my baby to be safe and i want my baby.
Jesus please have mercy on me and my baby. Show your miracle on my baby and increase my baby's heartbeat and growth. With all my trust i pray to you.
In Jesus name i ask. Amen
I'm am 6 or 7 weeks pregnant, I was told yesterday my Baby has no heartbeat, and I was hurt, but I'm trying get to let God do his job, and not worry, but it's hard. So can u pray for me and my baby to have a healthy hb. Thank you and God Bless.
Hi I'm 7wks pregnant and there is no hb there is an embryo and a yolk sac... I have another ultrasound tomorrow and I praying for God our creator and Jesus our saviour for tomorrow my baby have a hb... they want to do a d&c put my creator and my savior have the last word.... I'm praying for a miracle and my baby to be fine... I was bleeding but it subside it... thank you so much.
I currently pregnant for the fourth time after 3 miscarriages. I trust in God and his timing. I have recently found seen a heart beat but I have been having some spotting. I pray for a healthy pregnancy and for God to help shield me from anxiety.
Thanks for all the prayers. I had asked here 2 weeks back to pray for my baby as there was no fetal pole seen. I had a scan again tdy and my baby is fine. I am 8 weeks 3 days pregnant now. Am so happy and feeling blessed. Thanks for all the prayers and blessings. Wish everyone who write here should get blessed with what they wish for. Prayers to lord jesus to save my baby till the end. My EDD is Nov 14. I wish everything should go fine. My baby should be born cute and healthy.
I pray that I have a healthy progression throughout my pregnancy amen
Salam sejahtera, saat ini saya sedang hamil 28 minggu 6 hari. Sebelum hamil saya memiliki kista pada ovarium sebelah kiri dan itu menyakitkan perut saya setiap hari. Puji Tuhan berkat doa, saya dipercayakan untuk hamil. Saya ingin sekali persalinan normal, doakan saya agar saya mampu dan kista saya pun sembuh setelah melahirkan. Terimakasih.
Pray for me to be blessed with boy baby with good health.
Please pray for my new born daughter who has kidney problem said by the doctor during the time of my pregnancy and he said not to worry.. please pray my baby girl should b safe and normal
Shanal is seven months pregant,doctor. Says baby has no heartbeat, believing for a miracle,doc has induced labour.
Currently 9 weeks pregnant unfortunately miscarried last year. Went for an ultrasound today no baby seen or heartbeat. Doctor did more test being all test show I'm still pregnant. Doctor said wait another week test to come back thinks possible miscarriage already happened, tubal pregnancy or normal pregnant just wrong dates. We should find out 1 week. Lord despite of what doctors fear and previous ultrasound bless protect my baby in the womb he/she heartbeat be present next ultrasound Pray for
Hi im pragnant 18 weeks.. When i was pragnant 13 week the doctor toll me its a girl. Im hoping and praying for a boy, i want My son to have a brother and call him Moses charbel before his grandpa passes away. His wish is that we name the baby after him. And i fel that My son need a brother and he always say he hope for one. Its very special.. Please pray for me..
I pray In Jesus name that I should get pregnant soon.
I've had 4 miscarriages in the past im currently 10 weeks pregnant please pray with me that this time the baby will be healthy through out my pregnancy if it is God's plan Amen
Please please pray that the gender determination I had was wrong and when I go for my other ultrasound they in fact tell me we are having a son we desperately want we already have 2 beautiful daughters but would really want a son to complete our family thank you so much AMEN
SANDRA by name from SOUTH AFRICA. My husband decided to divorce me because i was unable to conceive after 12 years of marriage due to my BARRENNESS i visited different hospitals they were unable to help me i cried all day all to no avail, i decided to end it all by killing myself until God intervene by sending a friend of mine who was suffering from PCOS introduce me to the DR JAMES that cured her. i contacted him and he helped me. I really want to thank DR JAMES for the great work he did for m
My wife and I were just told that our baby had a possible variation between 3 different syndromes. We had a miscarriage at the end of the summer and this will be our first child. We are at 15 weeks and went in for a routine gender check and found out she is a girl!! We are just overwhelmed with how to pray. We know that God can heal and he holds the final say we just need strength, wisdom, peace, and ultimately healing of our little precious girl.
Bless my wife with a healthy baby boy.
Dear God Jesus Christ, please bless my baby in womb. Give him/her straight to go thru this difficult time. Baby 12 week still no heart beat. Please pray for my Baby in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Please pray for me and my husband we've been trying for a baby for the last 12 yrs. We've trued a number of tines and have gotten pregnant but not carried to full term. We're currently pregnant and all seemed to be going well til a few days ago when I had a tear in my membrane. We are 26 wks and praying that we can nake it to 28 when tge doctor says there are better chsnces of saving the baby. P'se stand with us in prayer. God Bless.
Dear Lord you are the Great Healer! We believe that through you all things are possible! My daughter and her husband are expecting their first child in September. Doctors tests are saying that the baby has serious health issues. Please Lord hear our prayers, and grant them a happy, healthy baby we pray! Your will be done my God! Amen!
I m pregnant. I will be going for ultrasound. My baby heart beat should be present by next week. Please pray for my baby please.
Darlene Schacht - My testimony might sound so strange, but I buried my pride and shame just to pass on an interesting message to that person who suffers a strong relationship challenges to PLEASE contact great Prince olokun if you want the best love spell cast for you and your lover. His email is;
Please pray for my sister Victory Henry, she is pregnant and went in for a ultrasound and it did not go well. Please pray for a miracle healing for life, health and power for this baby and mother and father. In Jesus name.
I am , i want to share my testimony with all my views , I was marriage for good ten year with out child so my husband send out this house so i was crying and i went to a friend of my who live in London who help me out pail , she went to a man of God who enable to help my life today and him bring my husbandman black to me , now i am with one king and pregnancy . thank for man of God who make me to enjoy my life today, places if you are have any problem now yours try and contact him
Please pray for my daughter and unborn granddaughter. The last ultrasound revealed a soft marker for Down Syndrome. My daughter is being referred to a genetic specialist. Please pray that God will protect this baby and make her healthy. Pray for my daughter and her husband as they wait for news.
I am about 6 months pregnant, after taking the MaterniT21 test(or Progena, it is kike a genetic test), the doctors have urged me to get an abortion, saying that my test revealed a 98% sure chance of my baby having Downs Syndrome. I am 41yrs old. I have been tormented with this prognosis since I was 10 weeks pregnant. I continuously pray to God for the healing of my baby. I ask you all to please stand with me in prayer too, in agreeance that God has already healed my baby in Jesus name. Thank you
My Lord Jesus I come to you a your servant and I ask that you protect my unborn child in my womb. Protect me from Satan's torcher and send your angels to stand around me and hold me. My Lord you know my heart and know what I have been through. Please Lord just save my baby and allow me to raise my child. In Jesus name I prey, Amen...
We've tried to conceive for 1 year. After i know if there's something wrong with me (i have PCOS, irregular period). I took the laparoscopy surgery, and after this all, i still didn't pregnant. But we still believe that God will show His mercy and make me pregnant. Please pray for us, so we can see the miracle, that i will pregnant as soon as possible. Even if my condition is impossible for pregnant but i believe for God nothing is impossible.
I pray that God bless us with a healthy baby soon!
Please pray for my newborn she's constipated and keeps throwing up her food
Hampir 4th kami menikah, berikan kami anak dalam rahimku Bapa. layakkan kami berdua untuk menjadi seorang ayah dan ibu yang baik untuk Anak-anak kami kelak. Kiranya Mujizatmu Ada untuk kami di Tahun ini.amin
Please pray I am pregnant and my boyfriend wanted the baby we tried to conceive for 7 months. Now that I'm pregnant he acts mean to me he hits me and plays with my heart. I thought we were getting married now he doesn't want to. I'm pregnant and want my family. Lord please help him love me again and want to be by myside and marry me. Please put it in his families heart to talk to him and tell him we are meant to be a family. I'm hurting anxious and scared.
I have two handsome boys but I've always wanted a baby girl and me and my husband are trying to conceive so please pray with me and for me that I am blessed with a baby girl. Thank you.
PLEASE PRAY FOR MY UNBORN CHILD! The doctor said she couldn't find a heartbeat and I have the ongoing of a miscarriage...... But God! He has the last word, and I'm trusting him to see me thru it. I need some praying warriors! I go back to doctor on Monday for another ultrasound and I pray they find a heartbeat. Praying warriors, pray for me and my baby, please... My miracle baby....
Please pray for my baby. Save my baby from his weak heartbeat. Please let his heartbeat normalize. God Almighty, I put my trust in you to intercede with your Holy Spirit and grace to save my baby. Thank you oh Lord for your blessings.
Please pray for my daughter to have good health she's getting sick and won't keep her food down and is a little jaundice she's only 2 weeks old please lord protect her from anything and everything coming to harm her body
Please pray for our baby. I have been bleeding since I found out I was pregnant after fertility treatment. Please pray that this baby is alive and well in the womb.
I must thank god for answering my prayers. Just last week I heard my baby's heart beat at 7 weeks:) and I saw my baby:) I really appreciate you God for everything you done for me, my baby and my loved ones. all I'm asking now is for a healthy preghancy throughout my 9 months process and for a natural labor. I believe in Jesus and I know he'll listen to me. Amen